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The right care of findings.

To safe your findings beautiful you should take care of them correctly. There are some basic principles of it in the article.
We use two types of metal - bronze and brass. They both are not precious and can oxidize (to react with oxygen with emergence of oxides on products' surface). But it isn't a disadvantage - it is a feature which we should consider while using. Let's regard the variants of work with findings.

Variant 1. You want to keep gloss of its surface. There are two ways to do it - a regular care or covering with protective varnish. What is the right care of accessories?

Firstly, it is a right storage. Don't leave findings or other jewellery in wet and warm places (bathrooms and saunas). The influence of direct sun beams is undesirable. For example, the windowsill on the sunny side of the house, it isn't a good place for storage your findings. In practice we see,that some cases of unnatural leather also negatively affect on appearance of findings. The best way of storage is a dense plastic bag with zip, called zipper. Maybe it isn't the most esthetic bag but it limits the influence of oxygen and oxidation will be slower. Finally, you can put zipper into a fabric bag or nice box. It is very important that we can't store findings with polymeric clay in zippers, it is better to use a dense fabric bag.
Secondly, you should wipe it polishing fabric. It is sold in jewelry shops, for example so-

And finally third, the most radical way to keep the appearance of your findings, is lacquering. We try different lacquers, but this one is the most convenient to use and effective.

But you should know that apperance of accessories will change after lacquer, as it is at the example -

On the right you see the detail which is processed with lacquer, and on the left-it isn't processed. We can advise to use lacquer not only to keep an appearance of accessories, but to people who suffer from allergy to metals.

Variant 2 - we don't fight against darkening of details, but use it for our purpose. This fact that our findings are made of bronze and brass and they are not processed with lacquer allow you to create different interesting effects, patinas, oxide layers. Also we can bend and solder our accessories. So maybe we should not fight against darkening? It is the topic for another article:)

The right care of findings.

To safe your findings beautiful you should take care of them correctly. There are some basic principles of it in the article. <div> We use two types of metal - bronze and brass. They both are not precious and can oxidize (to react with oxygen with emergence of oxides on products' surface). But it isn't a disadvantage - it is a feature which we should consider while using. Let's regard the variants of work with findings. </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div> <b>Variant 1</b>. You want to keep gloss of its surface. There are two ways to do it - a regular care or covering with protective varnish. What is the right care of accessories? </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div> <b>Firstly</b>, it is a right storage. Don't leave findings or other jewellery in wet and warm places (bathrooms and saunas). The influence of direct sun beams is undesirable. For example, the windowsill on the sunny side of the house, it isn't a good place for storage your findings. In practice we see,that some cases of unnatural leather also negatively affect on appearance of findings. The best way of storage is a dense plastic bag with zip, called zipper. Maybe it isn't the most esthetic bag but it limits the influence of oxygen and oxidation will be slower. Finally, you can put zipper into a fabric bag or nice box. It is very important that we can't store findings with polymeric clay in zippers, it is better to use a dense fabric bag.</div> <div> </div> <div><b> Secondly</b>, you should wipe it polishing fabric. It is sold in jewelry shops, for example so- <div> <div> <div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/a14/a14a71c2240a119a0b7a95bb8a3ebf1a.jpg" border="0" width="290" height="290" /></div> <br /> </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div> <b> And finally third</b>, the most radical way to keep the appearance of your findings, is lacquering. We try different lacquers, but this one is the most convenient to use and effective.</div> <div><div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/a27/a27405d490774ad2220b76b2b93c1d88.jpg" border="0" width="225" height="300" /></div> <br /> </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div>But you should know that apperance of accessories will change after lacquer, as it is at the example -</div> <div><div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/5f6/5f6b4588b057ba02c06e58a014d311bb.jpg" border="0" width="640" height="480" /></div> <br /> </div> <div>On the right you see the detail which is processed with lacquer, and on the left-it isn't processed. We can advise to use lacquer not only to keep an appearance of accessories, but to people who suffer from allergy to metals.</div> <div> <br /> </div> <div> <b>Variant 2</b> - we don't fight against darkening of details, but use it for our purpose. This fact that our findings are made of bronze and brass and they are not processed with lacquer allow you to create different interesting effects, patinas, oxide layers. Also we can bend and solder our accessories. So maybe we should not fight against darkening? It is the topic for another article:)</div> </div> </div>

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