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Making "Flashlight"
Today I'll show you a few techniques used to create a metal jewelry. Most of these techniques are standard and some of the readers will not see something new in them. Although In my experience just a few people solder metal jewelry with pin I often hear the question "What is the pin?", "How to fix this thing here?" etc. So, hopefully, you can find the information from this lesson very helpful.
Class earrings "Gothic" by Foggy Forest.
This master-class is given by talented creative duet "Foggy Forest" about creating embroidered earrings "Gothic".
Master-class by Nadya Gerber "Three Nuts for Cinderella"
Nadya Gerber made an interesting master-class about creating a brooch "Three nuts for Cinderella". We suggest you to read it.
Pendant "The Spirit of Venice ". Master-class by Alla Maslennikova.
A wonderful artist, Alla Maslennikova, will tell us about the creating process of the pendant, as the example we take the pendant "The Spirit of Venice ". You can observe the master's work and maybe know something new. Alla uses the pendants from our "Masks" collection. So, let's begin.
Обзор инструментов, используемых для сборки украшений на тросе. Часть 2
Продолжение мастер-класса Натальи Арнацкой, посвященному сборке украшений на трос. В этой части - обзор инструментов для этой техники.
Correct methods of assembly on jewelry wire. Part 1
You do not know how to fix toggle clasps? What is it crimp, how to use it? What is the jewelry wire and why?
Add color to a findings
Author of this article - Aleena Razumkova - show patination technology our bronze findings. Easy and exciting opportunity empower our findings :)
Ring base using
Try to make a ring with our ring bases.

Our new collection pendant! Add more Victorian romance to your jewelry with penny farthing bike:)
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Anna Bronze
Анна Бронза - авторская фуртинута