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Casting findings

It is a small story about the production of our findings. At the photo above you can see prior results of our work- casted bronze products, but they are not processed and crude yet.

So, everything starts with building up of wax "tree ". The "tree " looks so finally-

Then these "trees " are placed to the casting boxes and filled up with special gypsum. It is the result -

Then casting boxes ,where our "trees " are formed, we put into the furnace for calcination for 10 hours. They are heated up there, wax burns out and emptiness is appeared instead of it. The emptiness will be filled up with metall further. The casting boxes in the furnace look in such a way -

Then we take metall of necessary weight (it is calculated on a formula ), we melt it to this temperature -

Then we get the casting box ,which is calnicated and heated up to 620 degrees,from the furnace

and place it to molding camera,

We switch on the pumping of vacuum and it is the most interesting moment now. We reach a crucible with melt metall from the furnace and fill in metall into a casting box.

After we take heated up casting box and place it into water.

The tree is made from metal now, it drops out and we take it to pieces.

Casting findings

<div style="text-align: center;"><div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/dee/dee1203a1ded0e45c419d47a15b3c0ba.jpg" border="0" width="640" height="480" /></div> <br /> </div> It is a small story about the production of our findings. At the photo above you can see prior results of our work- casted bronze products, but they are not processed and crude yet. <div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/b63/b63d78a6251a8d6cc81b7a2a59c07a4e.jpg" border="0" width="640" height="480" /></div> <br /> </div> <div> <br /> </div> So, everything starts with building up of wax &quot;tree &quot;. The &quot;tree &quot; looks so finally- <div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/a90/a90fa5b925bd635a9a190af34479374a.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="600" /></div> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <br /> </div> Then these &quot;trees &quot; are placed to the casting boxes and filled up with special gypsum. It is the result -</div> <div style="text-align: center;"><div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/adb/adb1f542205c3f459020232a463efe0c.jpg" border="0" width="640" height="480" /></div> <br /> </div> <div> <br /> </div> Then casting boxes ,where our &quot;trees &quot; are formed, we put into the furnace for calcination for 10 hours. They are heated up there, wax burns out and emptiness is appeared instead of it. The emptiness will be filled up with metall further. The casting boxes in the furnace look in such a way -</div> <div style="text-align: center;"><div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/d6b/d6b2f580052457c040fc7c93eb34b569.jpg" border="0" width="640" height="480" /></div> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <br /> </div> Then we take metall of necessary weight (it is calculated on a formula ), we melt it to this temperature - <div style="text-align: center;"><div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/275/2758880dffe42ef1af5a931a8c7607be.jpg" border="0" width="640" height="480" /></div> <br /> </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"><div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/a10/a1080afe0400e265c660986486504f0c.jpg" border="0" width="640" height="480" /></div> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <br /> </div> Then we get the casting box ,which is calnicated and heated up to 620 degrees,from the furnace <div style="text-align: center;"><div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/e20/e204771d428de2ed0fdc8850028c5449.jpg" border="0" width="640" height="480" /></div> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <br /> </div> and place it to molding camera, <div style="text-align: center;"> <div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/1f2/1f2d93d26ed7a99eecba97fadc21b6b5.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="600" /></div> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <br /> </div> We switch on the pumping of vacuum and it is the most interesting moment now. We reach a crucible with melt metall from the furnace and fill in metall into a casting box. <div style="text-align: center;"> <div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/09a/09a00bc18fd7c057b5a8f04d2acac9b0.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="600" /></div> <br /> </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"><div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/e72/e729de6973c4a90b2100c5cc6ced9c98.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="600" /></div> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/c7d/c7d444c90ab3bca5b085cd936612e8b1.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="600" /></div> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <br /> </div> After we take heated up casting box and place it into water. <div style="text-align: center;"> <div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/3fe/3fefc2d31b1a013d2f74be82d37b018d.jpg" border="0" width="640" height="480" /></div> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <br /> </div> The tree is made from metal now, it drops out and we take it to pieces. <div style="text-align: center;"> <div class="b-news-detail__gallery"><img src="http://annabronze.com/upload/iblock/df0/df0aba647935d83acf9c9a438e99a94c.jpg" border="0" width="640" height="480" /></div> <br /> </div> <div> <br /> </div>

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